Samstag, 14. März 2020

tale 33 The new planet Sram
Written by Rainer:
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74

The new planet Sram

Once upon a time on the planet of monkeys, there were many tribes, countries, realms, kingdoms and empires. They were always fighting against each other, new empires were created and old ones disappeared. However one day, their scientist discovered a new planet on the sky and they called it Sram. Together they built a spaceship to explore and eventually settle on it. They were very successful and soon many monkeys from different tribes with long tails and short tails, long ears and short ears, big noses and small noses lived in peace on the new planet. However, on their home planet, the monkeys were still racists fighting against each other, quarrelling about borders being drawn some kilometres to the left or right and even menacing each other with extinction with the Atom bomb. Additionally, they destroyed the nature around them in such a great extent that it was soon impossible to survive on their home planet. More and more monkeys, especially the rich ones who had most participated in the destruction of nature, fled to planet Sram.
Will the monkeys be cleverer in the future and not burn down Sram as well?
What a similarity to humans!!!!!
And maybe, Sram is just the reverse of Mars?


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