Märchen 43 die Maske
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79
Die Maske
Es war einmal ein großes
Reich und sein Affenkönig war der Herr über viele Täler. Er hatte viele
Diener und jeder fiel vor seinen Füßen zu Boden und lobte ihn. Es war am
besten, ein guter Freund des Königs zu sein, um höher auf der Leiter der
Gesellschaft zu klettern.
Allerdings wollten nicht
alle seine Füße küssen, sondern versuchten, ihre eigenen Fähigkeiten zu
entwickeln. Einer der jungen Affen experimentierte an einer besonderen Maske,
die von anderen nicht bemerkt werden konnte, aber das Gesicht völlig veränderte.
Zuerst versuchte er es in Gegenwart seiner Freunde und Nachbarn. Es
funktionierte hervorragend und er stieg die Leiter der Gesellschaft hinauf,
bis er den König ersetzte und das Oberhaupt des Reiches wurde.
Da er aus einem armen Umfeld
stammte, verhielt er sich nicht so hochnäsig wie seine Vorgänger. Er konnte jedoch
die Struktur der Gesellschaft nicht wirklich ändern, da die Affen einerseits
zu sehr daran gewöhnt waren, dass jemand ihnen sagt, was sie tun sollen, und
andererseits genoss er es, selbst als göttliche König gelobt zu werden.
Er hatte eine sehr kluge
Tochter, die es wagte, ihm zu widersprechen. Sie verliebte sich in einen
jungen Affen, aber ihr Vater wollte nicht, dass sie ihn heiratet.
Eines Tages entdeckte die junge
Äffin jedoch das Geheimnis ihres Vaters. Sie wusste, dass sie die Maske nicht
einfach so benutzen konnte, wie ihr Vater, weil er bemerkt hätte, dass etwas
nicht stimmt. Deshalb experimentierte sie viel experimentiert und verbesserte
die Maske. Nachdem sie es erfolgreich in ihrer näheren Umgebung versucht
hatte, trat sie vor ihren Vater in seinem Hof und heiratete den jungen
Affen, den sie liebte.
Natürlich war ihr Vater
furchtbar wütend, als er entdeckte, dass er von seiner eigenen Tochter
getäuscht worden war, aber er konnte nichts tun, weil er sein Geheimnis hätte
preisgeben müssen, um sie zu entlarven.
Sie war sich bewusst, dass
ihr Vater nicht der schlimmste Affe war, aber dass er die Macht genoss.
Deshalb fing sie an, anderen die neue Technik lehren.
Natürlich missbrauchten
einige ihrer Schüler ihr Wissen, aber nach vielen Generationen lernten die
Affen, sich sozial zu verhalten.
Donnerstag, 30. April 2020
حكاية 25 الأرنب
translated by: Abeer Abu Al-Suod
ترجمة: عبير أبو السعود
Learn languages (via
Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74
الطابع اللائق للشخصية
عاشت الأرنب مع العديد من الحيوانات
المختلفة جدًا في الغابة. كان هناك الضفدع ، الغزلان ، الثعلب ، الغراب
...........، فكر بنفسه محطمًا، يومًا ما: "كيف يمكن أن يكون لي شخصية مميزة
هنا في الغابة ، حيث يوجد العديد من الحيوانات المختلفة كل واحد متميز بطريقته الخاصة.
علي أن أبحث عن منطقة أكثر ملاءمة. " لذلك انطلق لترك الغابة. جاء إلى الصحراء.
ولكن لم يكن هناك حيوان يمكن التعبير عن شخصيته له. لذلك انطلق مرة أخرى للبحث. جاء
إلى مرج حيث رعى العديد من الأغنام. "ما اسم هذه الأرض؟" سأل الخراف الأولى.
جاء الجواب على الفور وبسيط للغاية: "باحة"! "هذا هو المكان المثالي بالنسبة لي!
" - يعتقد الأرنب.
Dienstag, 28. April 2020
حكاية 29 المفكر العظيم
translated by: Abeer Abu Al-Suod
ترجمة: عبير أبو السعود
Learn languages
(via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74
المفكر العظيم
كان حكيمًا عظيمًا يجلس تحت شجرة ، يغوص بشدة في
أفكاره ، نظر إلى المسافة بعيون فارغة. ذات
مرة اقترب منه
شاب وخاطبه: "حكيم عظيم ،
عذرا لي على الجراءة لإزعاجك في أفكارك! ولكن أخبرني! كيف أصبح حكيم مثلك؟" حدّق العالم في الاتجاه من حيث أتى
الصوت . فتح فمه ليقول شيئا ، لكنه أغلقه
مرة أخرى على الفور. فقط في عينيه يمكن للمرء
أن يقرأ: "اخرج إلى العالم ، استمع إلى غناء الطيور ، افعل كل ما يأمرك به قلبك
، لكن لا تصبح عبداً لنفسك. ثم ، اجلس تحت شجرة وانتظر حتى الصبي الصغير يقترب ويطلب منك: "حكيم عظيم!
tale 46 fear eats up the soul, dance makes you brave
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79
Fear eats up the soul and dance makes you brave
Once upon a time in banana land, there was a big
temple and the banana god was highly praised and glorified by the monkeys and
the priests were abundantly provided with food and goods so that they had an
easy and comfortable life.
However, customs and traditions changed and now,
at the time of our tale, monkeys were doing business, exchanging goods and
wanted to have a more comfortable live themselves as well.
Of course, the monkey priests didn’t like that
kind of loosening of customs and tried to hinder this development. They told
the monkeys that the end of the world would come if they didn’t repent and
came back to the old traditional life. Mostly, the average monkey just
laughed at the priests and went on having parties and a life full of joy.
However, one day, a monkey priest had an idea. He
went out into the forest around the village, hung up horribly looking masks
on the trees and made traces imitating animal tracks of lions, elephants,
snakes, giant spiders and crocodiles on the ground. Then, he ruffled his hair
and tore his clothes and came running back into the village shouting and
screaming that a terrible danger was threatening the monkeys.
Everybody gathered at the square in front of the
temple to listen to what the seemingly scared priest had to tell them. “I’ve
just been attacked by horrible monsters and could hardly escape. Look at my
hair and clothes. Close all the gates! Close up your children and wives in
your houses! Then, come into the temple to praise the banana god because he
is the only who can save us!”
The monkeys disappeared in all directions, took
their children and wives and locked them up in their houses, then, they went
to the temple with much food and many goods for the banana god to praise and
glorify him.
This went on for some time. Of course, the males
were rather satisfied with these restrictions because they could walk around
with their weapons and play heroes, but for females, it was disastrous
because they always had to stay at home, only do the household and serve
their husbands, believing that it was too dangerous for them to leave the
One day, one of the younger females had had quite
enough and escaped from her house to see herself what was really going on in
the forest. Of course, she was terribly afraid all alone outside the gates,
but when she examined the first tracks on the ground, she found out that they
were not made by wild animals. Then she inspected one of the masks and got
rather furious because she understood that priest had fooled the whole
While she was there in the forest, she thought
about why the priest had done this, “probably, monkeys like him were not
satisfied with the social development and want to bring back the old days.
Well, different monkeys have different views of life. Very often, these views
oppose each other in a way that makes them incompatible. If I just reveal the
fraud and expose them to public laughter, these priests will even more oppose
any kind of change in our society.”
She had some girlfriends in the village and
decided to tell them what she had experienced and discus with them what the
best solution could be. At night, when all the males were asleep, the
girlfriends stole away and came together in the forest to debate how this
problem could be solved.
At beginning, some girlfriends expressed their
anger about the priest but all agreed that a very clever plan had to be made
to bring a satisfying result for everybody. And as they were very clever they
soon found a great solution.
What was this plan? I knew, my dear reader, that
you would be rather curious. Therefore, go on reading!
For the next night, the girlfriends collected all
the masks from the forest, weaved a large cloth and some of them got into it.
The whole thing looked like a giant dragon with many heads. The second group
of the girlfriends went silently back to their houses and waited for the
When the dragon entered the village, the
girlfriends inside the cloth made a horrible noise and wildly moved the
masks. Of course, all the men dropped their weapons and hid in the houses.
Even the priest, who had invented the masks, first got a terrible shock. However,
when he recognized his own masks, he understood that his fraud had been
discovered and that he couldn’t reveal it without being exposed himself.
Then, the girlfriends from the houses came out and danced around the dragon
to appease the monster and lead it out of the village.
Slowly, the men and priests came out of the
houses again and praised the dancers.
From that day on, women could go on the street
again because everybody believed that only they could protect the village
from the dragon. And whenever there was a fight amongst some men, some women
came by and began dancing around the quarrellers, then these men stopped
fighting, sat down and discussed their problem peacefully because they all
remembered that women’s dance had even appeased a dangerous, giant dragon.
Montag, 27. April 2020
tale 45 the state, that’s me
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79
The state, that’s me!
Once upon a time, there was a monkey king in
banana land. He lived in a big palace and had many servants and soldiers. The
whole valley surrounded by hills belonged to his realm.
When he was young, he often went around in his
empire and watched the peasants working, got them to build mills and bridges
and led his soldiers to make war against the neighbouring valleys. He loved
big parades where his soldiers marched under his balcony and enjoyed his
subjects cheering at him, then he always shouted: “The state, that’s me!”
There were some monkeys who didn’t like the system and they left the valley,
but when they got caught, they were severely punished for desertion.
However, after some years, he neglected state
affairs and grew lazy in the same rapidity as his belly became larger. Then
he sometimes only climbed up onto the tall tower of his palace from where he
could oversee his possessions, but at the end, he sat on his throne all day
long and stuffed his stomach. Very often, his advisers told him that the
realm needed new mills, granaries and bridges, but he was just having large
meals and watching his beautiful belly dancers and only growled: “The state,
that’s me!”
One morning, when he woke up and was still having
a hangover from the night before, he rang the bell for one of his servants to
come in to pull the curtains aside from the windows. He waited for some
minutes, but nobody entered. He rang again, but nobody appeared. He got angry
and rang like in frenzy, but again nobody appeared. After some time, he
finally got up and pulled the curtains away from the windows himself. The sun
was already high in the sky and blinded him. He felt a headache, so he went
back into his bed again. Soon his stomach indicated him that he was hungry;
therefore, he rang the bell, but again nobody appeared.
After an hour, he got so angry that he decided to
get up and have the servant’s head cut off, but he couldn’t move very fast
because he was very fat. He opened the door of his enormous dormitory and
stepped out into the corridor. There, he saw the usual soldier on guard
standing beside his door. He shouted at him, “Why is nobody coming, when I’m
ringing?” The soldier didn’t answer. “Are you deaf?” The soldier still didn’t
answer. He stepped back a bit. Wasn’t the soldier afraid of him. “I will have
your head cut off,” he shouted but the soldier still didn’t move, not even an
inch. He got even more frightened. Was that a revolution and was he a
prisoner in his own palace?
He ran back into his dormitory to get his shield
and sword and attacked the soldier from behind. The armour of the soldier
fell to the ground in pieces. It had only been an armour without a soldier in
it. “What is going on here?” he thought by himself.
With his shield and sword, he went on to the
throne hall where he had enjoyed the dance of the beautiful belly dancers the
evening before. With his foot, he kicked the double wind door open. There was
no reaction from inside, so he went in. It was empty. Not a single soul could
be seen. Was he alone in the huge palace? After a few hours, he had managed
to look into every single room and hall in his palace but couldn’t find
anybody. However, what was even more disappointing when he entered the
kitchen, that all pots, pans and baskets were empty. He could not even find a
single banana to relieve his hunger. What had happened to his loyal servants?
Had they all deserted him?
Vacillating between despair and anger, he finally
decided to visit the barracks of his soldiers. When he entered the first
building, he was shocked by what he saw. Armor and weapons lay in disarray on
the floor; the barracks looked like having been deserted long time ago. The
cultivated land made no better impression, the banana and coconut
plantations, the fields for the seeds and the rice fields, everything seemed
long abandoned. The bridges and mills had crumbled and the roads been
recaptured by nature, overgrown with thickets of bushes and weeds. His once
so prosperous realm resembled a wild jungle.
But he couldn’t find any dead bodies, bones or
other remains of monkeys.
After days of fighting himself through the
jungle, he finally arrived in the next valley. It was the country of a kind
of republic, he had made war against for years before getting lazy.
Reaching the first planting fields, he recognized
some of his peasants, soldiers and old advisers. “What are you doing here?
Why don’t you work on my lands?” he asked them. The old adviser lifted his
head and recognizing his former king answered, “you wanted to be the state.
Why don’t you do the work yourself?”
Sudden enlightenment shone in his eyes: The state
is an organization above the heads of its subjects, but if there are no
subjects, then there is no state. Who depends more on whom? Maybe, the state
and law should serve its subjects?
Samstag, 25. April 2020
حكاية 43 القناع
translated by: Abeer Abu Al-Suod
ترجمة: عبير أبو السعود
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79
ذات مرة ، كان هناك عالم كبير وكان ملكه القرد
هو الحكم على العديد من الوديان. كان لديه
العديد من الخدم وسقط الجميع على الأرض أمام قدميه وأشادوا به. كان من الأفضل أن تكون صديقًا جيدًا للملك لتسلق
أعلى سلم المجتمع.
ومع ذلك ، لم يرغب الجميع في تقبيل قدميه ولكنه
حاول تطوير مهاراتهم الخاصة. أحد القرود
الصغيرة جرب قناعًا خاصًا ، لم يلاحظه الآخرون لكنه غير الوجه بالكامل. أولاً ، جربها بحضور أصدقائه وجيرانه. عملت بشكل جيد للغاية وبدأ في تسلق سلم المجتمع
حتى حل محل الملك ليصبح رأس المملكة.
نظرًا لكونه من خلفية فقيرة ، فإنه لم يتصرف بشكل
حماسي كما فعل أسلافه. ومع ذلك ، لم يستطع
حقًا تغيير هيكل المجتمع لأنه من ناحية ، كانت القرود معتادة جدًا على أن يتم إخبارها
بما يجب القيام به ، ومن ناحية أخرى ، كان يتمتع بمدح كملك يحكم نفسه
كانت لديه ابنة ذكية للغاية هي الوحيدة التي تجرأت
على مناقضته. وقعت في حب قرد صغير لكن والدها
لم يردها أن تتزوجه.
ولكن ذات يوم اكتشفت الشابة سر والدها. كانت تعلم أنها لا تستطيع استخدام القناع كما
فعل والدها لأنه كان سيلاحظ أن هناك خطأ ما.
لذلك ، جربت الكثير وحسنته. بعد أن
نجحت في تجربتها في بيئتها الأقرب ، صعدت أمام والدها في بلاطه وتزوجت من القرد الشاب
الذي أحبها.
بالطبع ، كان والدها غاضبًا للغاية عندما اكتشف
أن ابنته خدعته لكنه لم يستطع فعل أي شيء لأنه كان عليه أن يكشف سره للجميع لكشفها.
كانت تدرك أن والدها لم يكن أسوأ قرد ولكنه يتمتع
بالسلطة. لذلك ، بدأت في تعليم التقنية الجديدة
بالطبع ، استفاد بعض متدربيها من معرفتهم ، ولكن
بعد أجيال عديدة ، تعلمت القردة كيفية التصرف بطريقة اجتماعية.
تواصل مع القصة 44!
Dienstag, 21. April 2020
mese 42 banán vagy nánab
forditás: Nikolett Pazgyera
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79
Banán vagy nánab
Hol volt, hol nem volt, volt
egyszer a kókusz királyság. A majmok, akik ott éltek, a kókusz belső, érett
részét ették, amely a fő eledelük volt. A király felügyelte az ültetvény
rendben tartását, és természetesen ő volt az, aki a hasznot lefölözte az eladásuk
után. Egy nap valamilyen penészgomba támadta meg a fákat és a szüret nagyon
rossz lett, így a kókusz királyságban a majmok éheztek. Persze a törzsnek a
tagjai elkezdtek más élelem után nézni. Az egyik közülük beült egy kis
csónakba és átlapátolt a folyó túloldalára, a banán királyságba. Megkérdezte
az ott élő majmokat, hogy mit esznek, mire ők megmutatták a banánjaikat, ill.
a kertjeiket, amiket természetesen a banán király felügyelt. Hősünk, néhány háztartási terméket
becserélt banánra, majd hazalapátolt. Azon nyomban ment is a piacra, hogy
szétossza a banánokat az éhező tömegnek, és beszámoljon nekik az alternatív
élelemforrásról. Azonban mielőtt szétoszthatta volna a banánokat, katonák
jöttek és elvették azokat, őt magát meg a király elé cipelték. Amint egyedül
maradt a királlyal az megkérdezte tőle "Honnan szerezted ezeket?"
"Keresztüleveztem a folyón és néhány itthoni terméket elcseréltem
ezekért a gyümölcsökért." Válaszolta, majd megmutatta, hogyan kell
leszedni a banán héját és megenni a gyümölcsöt. Mosolyogva várta, hogy
megjutalmazzák. Viszont a király e helyett hívatta a katonákat és lefogatta,
majd kimenet az erkélyére, hogy beszédet mondjon az összegyűlt tömegnek. A
majmok, amint megpillantották, örömujjongásban törtek ki a téren. Felemelte a
kezét, mire a tömeg elhallgatott. "Tudom, hogy éheztek, de ne higgyetek
azoknak a majmoknak, akik azt mondják, hogy ez a gyümölcs, amit banánnak
hívnak, ehető." Megmutatta nekik a gyümölcsöt, meghámozta, majd a héját
a tömegbe dobta, hogy megkóstolhassák azt. Persze a héj íze rossz volt.
Hősünket börtönbe vetették, de a cellájáig tartó úton, keresztül a piacon,
végig leköpdösték, mert rossz ételt akart eladni és meg akarta mérgezi a
majmokat. Miután már jó néhány hetet eltöltött a cellájában, hirtelen kinyílt
az ajtó és az egyik régi barátja termett előtte, aki menekülésre biztatta. A
régi barát már bekészített neki egy kis csónakot, így a majom könnyen
átlapátolhatott a túlsó partra. Mielőtt beszállt a csónakba a barátja azt
mondta: "Nem azért szabadítottalak ki, amit tettél, hanem azért mert a
barátod vagyok. Nem felejtettem el a gyerekkorunkban együtt töltött időt,
viszont megvetlek azért, mert meg akartad mérgezi a majmainkat. Ha a király
és a törvény azt mondja, hogy tilos, akkor neked sem szabad azt áthágni."
Majd hirtelen sarkon fordult és elment, anélkül, hogy hősünk bármit is meg
tudott volna magyarázni. Míg a folyón keresztül evezett, boldog volt, hogy
szabad lehettet, de ugyanakkor szomorú is volt, mert el kellett hagynia azt a
helyet ahol született, és mérges is volt, mert hamisan vádolták. "Ha a
törvény az ész felé emelkedik és mindenki megőrül, akkor jobb
odébbállni." Ezen morfondírozott miközben evezett. Mindeközben a király
odahaza katonákat küldött a banán királyságba, hogy beszerezzenek néhány
banánsarjat elültetésre a saját kertjébe, hogy a következő évben eladhassa a
gyümölcsöket a piacon nánab néven. Persze néhány év elteltével a majmok
rájöttek, hogy a gyümölcs igazi neve banán, de addigra már mindenki
elfeledkezett a hősünkről. Hősünk új életet kezdett a banán királyságban, új
barátokat és családot talált. Sok év elteltével visszatért szülőföldjére
abban a reményben, hogy a majmok ott intelligensebbek lettek. Azonban akik
felismerték őt a piacon, csak arra emlékeztek, hogy megszegte a törvényt, de
nem az igazi okra. "Nem emlékeztek miért voltam letartóztatva?"
Kérdezte őket. "Mindig hűségesnek kell lenned a királyhoz és a
törvényekhez," mondták, "nem helyes ellenszegülni a
törvényeknek." "Még akkor sem, ha a törvény ellentmondásban van az
ésszel?" kérdezte. "Mi történne akkor, ha mindenki elkezdene
gondolkodni ahelyett, hogy hűséges lenne a törvényekhez?" kiabálták
neki. Szomorúan bár, de megbizonyosodva, hogy jól tette, hogy elhagyja őket,
sarkon fordult és vissza sem tért többet. Persze tisztában volt azzal a
ténnyel, hogy a majmok az újhazájában sem jobbak vagy bölcsebbek, mint az
otthoniak. Mikor lesz az, hogy azok a majmok végre megértik, hogy nem az
állam vagy a törvények kellene, hogy ellenőrizzék őket, a helyett ezek
szolgálnia kéne őket, és ők maguk kellene, hogy irányítsák az államot, a
hatalmat és a törvényeket. Ha bárki talál valamiféle hasonlóságot valós
eseményekkel, akkor ez nem a véletlen műve.
حكاية 17 غباء بلا حدود
translated by: Abeer Abu Al-Suod
ترجمة: عبير أبو السعود
Learn languages
(via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74
حكاية 17 غباء بلا حدود
عندما ذهب الأب إلى المنزل من العمل ، كانت الشمس
تغرب في الأفق البعيد وتذكر ما كان يدرسه في المدرسة.
غباء بلا حدود
ذات مرة ، كان هناك بركان منقرض تحت سطح البحر
عشرة آلاف ميل. كانت الجدران الخارجية للبركان
شديدة الانحدار مثل الهاوية. لم يكن هناك
عالم آخر للحيوانات والأصداف البحرية ونجوم البحر والقواقع وسرطان البحر ، الذين
يعيشون في وادي الحفرة. أعطاهم سمكة صياد أعماق البحار الضوء.
بما أن هذه السمكة تسبح فوقهم ، يمكنهم رؤية نوره
فقط ولكن لا يمكنهم رؤيته. لذلك ، اعتقدوا
أنه شمسهم. في كل مرة رأوا فيها النور ،
كانوا يسقطون على ركبتيهم لتمجيد إله الشمس.
عندما تعبت سمكة في أعماق البحار
اختفى في مغارة مرتفعة بالقرب من إحدى قمم جدران البركان.
في أحد الأيام ، أراد سلطعون فضولي جدًا معرفة
مكان اختفاء إله الشمس ، لذلك تابع الضوء حتى مغارته.
عندما دخل السرطان إلى ملجأ الأسماك الكبيرة ،
صُدم في البداية وخائف ، ولكن بعد ذلك ، نظر إلى الحيوان الكبير أقرب قليلاً ولاحظ
أنه مجرد سمكة بسيطة. بهدوء شديد ، ابتعدت
حتى لا توقظ السمك وتلاحظ.
ثم عادت إلى الوادي وأخبرت رفاقها بما لاحظته. كانت الحيوانات الأخرى مستاءة للغاية. "إلههم! سمكة بسيطة؟ " لذلك صعدوا إلى الكهف لرؤيته بأعينهم.
عندما وصلوا إلى المكان وأقنعوا أنفسهم بأن إله
الشمس لديهم مجرد سمكة ، غضبوا بشدة وأرادوا قتله قائلين أنهم لا يحتاجون إلى سمكة
كإله الشمس. لحسن الحظ ، كان هناك مخرج آخر
للكهف ويمكن أن تهرب السمكة.
كانت الأصداف البحرية ونجوم البحر والقواقع والسرطانات
تحتفل بصوت عالٍ بفوزها على الأسماك الكبيرة ، ولكن منذ ذلك اليوم ، كان الظلام شديدًا
في الوادي.
تساءل الأطفال عما إذا كان الناس يمكن أن يكونوا
أغبياء مثل تلك الحيوانات في أعماق البحار قبل أن يناموا.
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