Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2020


tale 89 talent

Written by Rainer:

Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74





When he was 3 years old, his father introduced him to it for the first time. The boy liked the fact that after that the mother, the father also became interested in him. "The little one doesn't act so stupidly!" - said the old man and since that day they had been practicing. These activities dragged on longer and longer. After tears, the mother tried to appease the father, but without effect. Obviously, the father wanted to compensate his own failure in life and put all hope in the boy. Punishment and praise took their turns.

He often heard other children playing in the yard. At the age of 5 he was first introduced to a smaller audience. However, the stage fright and the pressure caused by his father's expectation made it impossible for him to concentrate. That day, the little one would have preferred not to go home.

When he was 10, his father died and for weeks, he did not care about the old man's dream. His thoughts preferred to lead him to the other children in the yard, but he lacked the ability to communicate with them. He'd missed the boat. Neither the big ones wanted to know anything about his art, nor the little ones about his person.

After a time, he began to deal with the only thing that had determined and filled each of his days for 7 years. He had to do something, after all, he couldn't sit around idly. Slowly he found his rhythm again. His mother, who actually didn't understand anything about music, hired a teacher. But he wasn't much better than his father. Unsuccessful, plagued by doubts and driven by complexes, the teacher tortured him. Somehow, he knew something about profession, but he didn't understand children.

At 17 he was finished, or rather, there was no one in the area who could have taught him anything new. He went out curious, but also fearful. Maybe the world would like his skills after all.

He was greeted warmly especially by women, he was quite well built and in the presence of youth, old age feels fresher again. Women passed him from hand to hand and tried to reduce his shyness. Slowly he softened. However, what kind of nucleus was hiding behind this face?

Then a forty-year-old finally managed to take his innocence away. It was a wonderful feeling for her, but he couldn't enjoy it yet. It was unclear to him what to pay attention about. Had he learned so little in his youth? - was the question he kept asking himself.

He still did not feel exactly where the pleasure should have been in the whole thing, but soon understood that his maintenance and possible progress could be ensured by it. He was introduced to people who were either supported in the same way and therefore viewed him as competitor, or who had kissed themselves from foot to foot in this hierarchy of favors. There was rarely a meeting with an independent spirit, from whom he could have been learned something.

It was the waves that are caused when a stone falls into still water. The further the circles moved away, the smaller their power. However, unlike the wave game, where they want to move away to regain their idle state, the rings in this hierarchy are desperately attached to the origin of the movement. The composition of the circles is almost entirely based on submissiveness, but is renamed by terms such as talent and fashion.

These were his thoughts when he was alone. When he was in company, like everyone else, he was blinded by the light that insect fliers swarm about at night. If you turn it off, after some confusion they look for a new soul-inspiring source.

Enriched by this experience, he once felt like the poet that the Athenians had sent to the Spartans instead of soldiers to support the latter in battle. The warlike Spartans did not know what to do with it. At other times, he was afraid of simply being a ballast of society. He calmed down by recognizing of not being the only one. After all, he had enough talent for it.


Continue with tale 90!






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