Montag, 2. August 2021


tale 79 the old monkeys tells his tale 4

Written by Rainer:

Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74



The old monkey tells his tale 4


This kind of taunts did not only take place in the stepfather's family. The maternal grandmother had five daughters who kept arguing with each other over the slightest little thing. An example should also illustrate this beautiful society. The old monkey might have just attended classes by this time. He asked one of his aunts why she had dedicated her life to the banana god. She explained to him that her father's death had hit her very deeply and that it had completely changed her life. On the way home, he wanted to talk about it with his mother, whereupon she only sent him the disparaging remark: “Oh, what? A male ape had left her. Don't believe a word she says!"

This train of thoughts played out in a few seconds, as it had passed through his head a thousand times. That's why the granddaughter didn't notice that she had hit a sore spot here. Was it really that painful? Probably not. He had learned to live with it, but couldn't have explained it. A monkey does not always have to be able to clearly define everything in order to continue to put one foot in front of the other.

He went on to the next valley.

So, I said goodbye to my surprised, or rather disappointed companions and walked in a straight line towards the opposite mountain range. Equipped with all spiritual support, which actually consisted of a kind of malicious joy, because the nose of these envious people who had never left their valley had shown exactly that one or the other would have liked to come along. "You're just fleeing from something!" it still sounded in my ears. They had probably only heard these sayings from their parents, who were afraid that their dear children might get wings. Such a thing could not even have occurred to them, since they had no idea about life yet.

What would I expect this time? A huge, big meadow, of course. At least that was how it looked from above. One could have walked on it. But I knew from experience ………… Hm! Experience? Yes, apart from my home valley, it was the third. And I knew from this experience that this green carpet meant a rainforest without end. I happily climbed the first larger tree that came up, then swung from one to the other, did a few somersaults and enjoyed life. My exercises turned out to be too high-spirited because one branch suddenly broke. But falling from four or five meters is not very dangerous for us monkeys. We always land on our feet like a cat. The impact on the ground turned out to be surprisingly soft. It wasn't solid earth, it was swamp. The impact made me sunk in to my waist. I quickly looked for a firm hold. There were only bushes and shrubs. At first they prevented my further sinking in. Slowly and carefully, I pulled myself up to a tree. But what did I look like now! Like a wild boar that had rolled in the dirt. So I couldn't come face to face with any beautiful monkey girl. A handsome monkey doesn't necessarily have to smell like banana or coconut, but he can't be covered in dirt from head to toe either. So on I went from tree to tree, to a stream, river or lake. But everything was swamp there.

It took a long time before I found reasonably pure water. I jumped in and immediately felt how the already dried-on dirt and mud was loosening from my fur. What a refreshment! But I shouldn't enjoy this benefit for long. Lightning struck next to me. A crocodile, which was about to nibble on me, had been hit by a long lance. But before I wanted to make sure who had just given me back my life, I jumped out of the water and climbed up a tree.

Then I looked around. A pretty monkey girl was sitting on a branch diagonally above me and almost rolled over with laughter. In the calming water surface, I looked at myself from head to toe to find out what was so funny about me. It had to be my condition and maybe the horror on my face. Females don't always like these super monkeys. In addition to something so flawless, they often feel superfluous. Well, who doesn't need the feeling of being needed sometimes? She had done me a service, I was indebted to her. And there are moments when both parties seize this situation as an opportunity to get closer. So, I slowly climbed up to her and sat opposite her. However, she didn't want to look into my eyes.

I said something to her, she answered, but we didn't understand each other. Another language again. “Sprichst du Deutsch?” no answer, “Do you speak English?” just a wink, “Est-ce que tu parles français?” - no answer either. “Well, I still have to learn Spanish or Russian!” I also had a new teacher. With moderate pace, we set out for her village. She had just been out hunting, so it was quite a distance.

As it is well known, monkeys don't necessarily like rain. But there are also occasions here when the water from above can have its charm. When it started to rain, I took a very large leaf from a tree and held it over me like an umbrella and offered her a place under it next to me. At first she was a bit shy, but then she snuggled very close to me. "Long live the rain." It had just come at the right moment.


Part 5






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