Samstag, 1. Mai 2021


tale 103 the same right for everyone

Written by Rainer:

Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74



The same right for everyone


With many primitive peoples, the old, the weak or the sick leave the group, or they are left behind, sometimes also expelled. Only with those? In modern industrialized countries, there are homes for old people, special hospitals or institutions. Many inmates are visited once a month, others not at all. One society cannot afford to have a block on its leg because the struggle for existence is too tough, the other does not want to allow herself to do so because she believes that she will then be left behind in competition with others. Who else could be expected to sacrifice their lives for others without any reward? But there is one big difference. With the first, you don't have to explain why you want to die, you just go.


He lit half a cigarette butt and took a sip of the cheap wine that made his brain somersault again.

He had already dropped out of society for a long time, was still doing it as long as he had the feeling that it wasn't too much for him or that he didn’t have to fight too hard for it. But now, he didn't want it anymore and had withdrawn to a part of the forest in which nobody ever got lost. And he had not told anybody. Nobody would have cared anyway. He had simply walked out of town, then down a muddy road, later into the woods and into the thicket.

Another sip from the plastic bottle against the cold and again a mental somersault.

Images from his childhood came up. Often there was nothing to eat, so the old bread was coated with a little fat and briefly put in the oven. It was better on December twenty-sixth because the Christians distributed among the poor what they had not eaten themselves. He liked going to school, not because he liked the classes, the teachers or his classmates, but because it was reasonably warm and clean there. He finished school with a mediocre certificate. However, there were no opportunities for advanced education. Both his mother and father were heavy drinkers, so our main character had to earn his own living, which was nearly impossible with the low pay of an apprentice. He rented a room in a workers' dorm to get out of the dirty family home. Later he met Maria, a joyful girl. However, even she could not arouse in him the ambition to learn a trade and start a family, or maybe she did not love him enough. Although he actually hated alcohol because he had seen what it had done to his parents, he found himself in the pub more and more often. And like that, slowly he slipped, lost his job, where at first they were actually quite satisfied with him.

When he could no longer pay for the room and found himself on the street, his alcohol problem only got worse because almost everyone drank around him to deal with the condition of a homeless and the cold. Bad nutrition, the weather and excessive alcohol consumption then destroyed the rest of the resilience and self-esteem. When he was found, all that was left of him were his clothes, bones and a bit of wine in the plastic bottle. At least he had chosen the place and time of his death himself.



Continue with tale 104!






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