Freitag, 1. Januar 2021


tale 97 the Jesus

Written by Rainer:

Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74



The Jesus


Shortly after he was born on Christmas - his mother later told him about it - he was immediately taken to church and placed in the manger, where he embodied the new-born Jesus. They had been looking for a quiet baby who would not disturb church mass with screams and crying and were amazed at the patience with which he endured everything. His gaze as he looked down at the other participants of the festival, who represented the shepherds and kings, was almost heavenly graceful. A great future was predicted for him. No one knew exactly what this would consist of for a simple farmer’s son.

Then, as he grew up, he called in whenever a scene from the New Testament was performed in church or in the marketplace - Jesus and the scholars, later in the synagogue, when he is said to have driven the traders out of there. He liked this role and liked to hear people who didn't know his real name call him Jesus. He even tried to live a similar life. However, it just didn't work out well with the disciples and the miracles.

Every day he came to the priest's house and got a few new details about the life of the Messiah. The clergyman was delighted to finally have a believer who was not only afraid of God, but genuinely God-fearing.

“Jesus led people into the desert and made them sit down on the grass.” He wasn't sure what a desert actually looked like, but if there was grass, it must have been something like a meadow. He had only seen a large amount of sand when the chapel was being built and he couldn't imagine more. But nobody wanted to follow him into the meadow.

“Jesus walked on the water.” He had to learn that, he thought to himself. That would convince everyone. He went to the river to try it out. If you really believe, you can move mountains. But no matter how hard he tried to act like Jesus, to act and live, he kept sinking into the water.

And then, the annual Passion Play was going to be celebrated. Someone was wanted to take on the role of Jesus. He called in at once and was accepted immediately. Mainly because there were no competitors. They didn't have to rehearse with him for very long either because he knew the life of Jesus pretty well.

When he got on the stage, he spread his hands, looked up, and looked like one of the saints in the pictures in the church. Every act was played out, but the fish-and-bread-sharing miracles didn't work now either. Luckily, there wasn't any real water to walk on, it was just a blue stripe on the bottom of the canvas. However, he enjoyed every moment, everybody followed his words and movements, he finally had disciples to whom he could offer the last supper.

But he was surprised that the actor, who played a Roman soldier, did not want his ear cut off. When he was tied to be brought before Pontius Pilate, he whispered in the ear of the Jewish Rabi to tighten the chains because he really was Jesus. The lash straps cut deep into his skin, blood flowed, but he knew he had the admiration of the entire city community behind him. (He would certainly have received an Oscar for this portrayal seven hundred years later.)

The stem of the cross was a bit shorter because the stage was higher and he was hanging almost over the heads of the audience anyway. He didn't have to carry cross that far either, just a few meters across the stage. When the nails were stuck through his hands and feet at his own request, he pissed and shit in his loincloth in pain before he fainted. When he awoke again, there was a slight murmur from the crowd. It actually happened every year and everyone down there envied him that day.

For three days, he hung in the market square, most of the people had gone home to eat, drink and sleep. But they all came to prayer throughout the day. His mother sat at the foot of the cross the whole time. She didn't know whether to cry or be happy: her son was hanging up there. But he didn't play as well as Jesus, he died a little earlier. When they stuck a lance in his side, he hadn't noticed anything for a long time.

Then he was taken down and placed in a cave near the city. They waited for his resurrection, but it did not want to come. His mother had to endure scornful looks and remarks. Maybe her son wasn't Jesus after all?



Continue with tale 98!






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